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  • Writer's pictureDanike Bouwer

What to Consider When Buying an Olive Tree

Advice from our resident expert Maggie.

Olive trees are not only beautiful additions to any garden or landscape but also provide a bountiful harvest of delicious and nutritious fruits. If you're considering buying an olive tree, there are several factors you should take into account to ensure you make the right choice. We will explore the key considerations when purchasing an olive tree, helping you select a healthy and thriving specimen that will bring you joy for years to come.

Climate Compatibility:

One of the most critical factors to consider is the climate in which you live. Olive trees thrive in Mediterranean-like conditions, with long, hot summers and mild winters. They require a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight daily. Make sure the olive tree you choose is suitable for your specific climate, as different varieties have varying cold and heat tolerance levels. At Trees of Eden we grow our trees in tough conditions to ensure that you have a durable and fruitful tree able to withstand our South African climate.

Tree Age and Size:

Olive trees can live for hundreds of years, and the age of the tree you select can impact its fruit production and overall health. Younger trees may take a few years to bear fruit, while older trees may offer an immediate harvest. Consider your preferences and priorities when it comes to the tree's age and size. Younger trees are more affordable, but older trees can provide a head start on fruit production. We offer a wide variety of young and more mature trees to suit your requirements.

Rootstock Selection:

Rootstocks play a vital role in the tree's overall health, productivity, and resistance to pests and diseases. We have experts that will be able to help you choose a suitable rootstock for your specific soil conditions and climate. The right rootstock can enhance the tree's growth, disease resistance, and adaptability.

Variety Selection:

There are numerous olive tree varieties available, each with its own unique characteristics, taste profiles, and growth habits. Some varieties are better suited for oil production, while others are ideal for table olives. You can either research different varieties or chat to us when choosing one that aligns with your desired purpose, taste preference, and growing conditions.

At Trees of Eden we offer Mission, Frantoio, Leccino and Coratina cultivations and each tree has a substantial root mass planted in an organic compost mix. All our cuttings are made from the original mother block which are genetically true to type.

Source and Quality:

Purchase your olive tree from a reputable nursery or supplier to ensure the tree's quality. Inspect the tree for any signs of disease, damage, or pests before making a purchase. It's also beneficial to inquire about the nursery's cultivation practices and whether they use sustainable and organic methods. We are a well-established nursery in Durbanville, registered with the Department of Agriculture.

Care Requirements:

Understanding the care requirements of an olive tree is crucial for its long-term health and productivity. Consider factors such as watering needs, pruning requirements, and fertilization schedules. Evaluate your ability to meet these requirements and ensure they align with your gardening skills and available resources.

In conclusion, choosing the right olive tree involves considering various factors to help you grow and care for it successfully. An olive tree makes a great addition to your garden or home, all it needs is love, light and water. Happy olive tree shopping!

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